Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Lower Meadow

I mowed the lower meadow yesterday. It was finally dry enough for the mower not to cut ruts in the earth or get stuck in slick surface water just beneath the grasses. It's been more than three weeks since my last mow so the grasses were high.

It seems to me that species work together to protect each other and their territory. The grasses can't protect themselves from the cut, but their sentient field friends and neighbors can molest the intruder and did. The deer flies were out in abundance and attacked me like a squadron of dive bombers.

The long time between mows allowed the meadow grasses and what I thought were weeds to grow to over ten inches and lo and behold the field was filled with wild flowers.

There were daises, buttercups, lavender, Lilly’s of the Valley, Bluets, Forget-me-nots, and some bright blue flowers I can’t name; the meadow was speckled with brilliant color. Some flowers were tall, some were short, and there were broad leaves, thin leaves and all shapes and sizes in-between. I felt sadness as my mower powered over them. This was the second time in many years that they were allowed to grow to their fullness and flower.

As I circled the acreage cutting the field into a lawn again, I wondered how often that happens to people, especially young people who are cut off by the blade of parents opinion, teachers counsel, group mores, social conditions, religious dogma and other condemnations before their individuality can flower into full creative potential.

A myriad of authorities often inhibit, if not restrict, the young from choosing a different path. A path of joy, heart, and contradictory fulfillment.

How many great discoveries have we cut in the bud by saying we don’t do it that way, or we’ve never done it that way or that’s not the way it’s done. How many creative geniuses have we stifled because Dad or Mom went to that school and so should you or you’ll make more money doing this than that.

How many hearts have we broken or bent in saying, “you must, you should, you’d better."

Perhaps we should think more of letting the unending field of individual choice and its innate creativity blossom into greatness.

I won't have to deal with these philosophical questions next week. The grass will just be short and green when I mow again. Maybe it's time to let the meadow be itself.


Anonymous said...

Watch out for the deer ticks! Or, strip nekid and post some pics, so we can all make sure you're okay. Either option will work.

I'm reading Michael Pollan's "Second Nature" at the moment. It's a great read, facing our moral dilemmas in the garden. Check it out on the Kindle.

Do I get a blog barstool plaque with my name engraved, if I keep up this pace with the comments? Just curious what's in it for me.

the faithful reader

Anonymous said...

been working the last couple of days so i missed this post until now. being that i am trying to figure out what i want to do and how that fits into living in the modern world, i particularly enjoyed these reflections. it's kinda like cutting grass in a different way too. as much as we'd love to let it grow long and wild and beautiful (and we sometimes feel sadness when we mow it), it is somehow important that we do so. whether it's just getting something done, or clearing our land (and our minds) or performing a routine task in a sometimes haphazard world, we have to just do something. i just hope that i can find something to do that is meaningful and fulfilling and allows me to live a stable life in a mixed up world

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