Thursday, August 6, 2015

Now we know!

Remember this blogpost from July 28th?

I don't know if you've noticed on your television programs how many times a commercial comes up saying that the nuclear treaty deal with Iran is a bad idea.

It's very well produced and cites negative facts that Iran has violated over the years. I saw the same commercial five times in a two-hour span in my television market. That's called saturation and it is designed to subliminally influence our thinking.

In very small print at the bottom of the screen and at the end of the commercial it says it's sponsored by, "The Citizens for a Nuclear Free Iran."

Who are these alleged citizens?  There is no website the check them out. There is no way for any of us to see where the money comes from to sponsor such an expensive advertising campaign.

I'd like to know because whoever it is is using the public airwaves to try to influence my thinking on the potential Iranian nuclear agreement. Whoever it is doesn't want the agreement to happen. We have a right to know who doesn't want it and why.

Don't be duped! Check your facts and your sources.

Thank you Washington Post.

— Politico, “Iran deal foes spend big, get little so far,” by John Bresnahan and Anna Palmer: “Pro-Israel groups have spent more than $11 million on a TV ad blitz aimed at scuttling President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, but so far they aren’t gaining any ground with House and Senate Democrats. Citizens for a Nuclear Free Iran, created by the powerful American Israel Public Affairs Committee, has shelled out more than $11 million since mid-July running ads pressuring lawmakers to vote against the deal when it comes before Congress next month … The group has been running network TV ads in 23 states, spending more than $1 million in California, Florida, New York and Texas, respectively.”

“Yet the CNFI ad blitz doesn’t appear to have moved any Democratic votes at this point. … Just on Tuesday, Democratic Sens. Barbara Boxer of California, Tim Kaine of Virginia and Bill Nelson of Florida publicly declared their support for the agreement … New York Reps. Nita Lowey and Steve Israel both came out against Obama’s deal on Tuesday … However, none of the 151 House Democrats who signed on to a May 7 letter to Obama urging a negotiated settlement over Iran’s nuclear weapons program have come out against the P5+1 agreement at this point. Unless the anti-deal forces begin making inroads into that group — which has so far held steady — Congress will not be able to derail the agreement.”

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