Friday, July 19, 2013

Texting and Driving

The other day I almost had a head on collision with a woman who was texting while driving. She rounded a curve and slid half way into my lane. I could see her phone in her hand as she pulled violently back into her lane narrowly avoiding me.

I don’t know about you, but I think some Americans are very stupid or very dumb or intellectually incapable of discerning simple reasoning. (The latter is the nice way of saying the same thing as the former, but you knew that.)
Here’s what I suggest. If the person texting while driving does not see the idiocy of doing so then they should not be allowed to drive. It’s obvious their intellectual gas tank is empty. They are incapable of making safe decisions. They probably think it’s OK to go through a red light because it’s a bother to look both ways to see if anything is coming.
Forget a ticket and a fine or points on the license. If caught, the law should mandate a year's suspension of driving privileges, confiscation of the cell phone, prohibition of having a cell phone account for three years and remedial classes on how not to be stupid.
Here are two frightening statistics: 50% of teenage drivers text while driving. One in four adult Drivers text while driving.

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