Thursday, July 18, 2013

Purgatory Indulgences


I can’t believe this. The Vatican, through its sacred apostolic penitentiary, a court that handles the forgiveness of sins, is offering time off in purgatory to followers of Pope Francis' tweets.

Good Grief!

The theory is this. You commit a sin, you confess it to a priest, he forgives you and absolves you of your sin, but you still have to spend time in purgatory to balance your infraction. 

Purgatory is supposedly a place between heaven and hell. It’s like a court ordered community service sentence to pay for your crime. You don’t have to go to jail (hell), but you’re not totally free either (heaven).

But there is a thing called indulgences. You do certain tasks and you get a few years off from your alleged sentence to purgatory.

In the real old days the church sold indulgences and apparently made a lot of money. To keep the community service analogy going, it’s like paying off the judge to reduce the number of community service hours you have to perform.

I didn’t know getting to heaven a little sooner could be achieved by a few mouse clicks.


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