Thursday, April 28, 2016

Note to Donald

I cannot believe the words of Donald Trump and his assertion that the only thing HRC has to play is the “woman’s card.”

Good Grief Donald, are you that ignorant? And then your billed foreign policy speech yesterday. It was disjointed, contradictory to previous statements, secretive, (as in I have a plan – trust me), Mr. Trump, this is America, without divulging specifics, the American people have the right to know the generalities. It is our son’s and daughters who become the casualties of faulty plans.

No candidate, in my long memory of covering politics, has ever insulted their way into the presidency. You, Mr. Trump, have single-handily diminished the image of America throughout the world. Your support is not because you say demeaning things about your opponents and journalist, but because Congress has abdicated its responsibility for the last few decades and the American people are fed-up with all the elected leadership in power today.

You may be able to fire and hire at will in your business world and in your ego-centric mind, but not on the world scene and not in the America I know and love. If you become the GOP nominee, you will lose the national election far worse than Goldwater did in 1964.

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