Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tit for Tat and Die

A story in the news tells about the arrest of Sami Osmakac, a 25 year old from the former Yugoslavia. He’s been charged with an alleged bomb plot to attack crowded locations in the Tampa, Florida area.

Every time I try to embrace a moderate view of the world and believe we can all get along something like this happens somewhere and I have to force myself to think in unconditional terms so I don’t sink into the abyss of mistrust.

I had a similar problem in understanding a decade or more ago, in another religious conflict, when Irish Catholics were bombing Irish Protestants and vice-versa.

I have the same issue with Israelis killing Palestinians and Palestinians killing Israelis.

And how about the Muslim Shiites killing and bombing Sunni sect of the same religion and vice versa.

The sadness and the idiocy of it all is that once it starts it becomes a tit for tat, an eye for an eye, a hate for a hate. Parents perpetuate it by teaching their children to hate others who believe differently because the other did something horrible. It goes back and forth and innocents die.

Just how ignorant are we as a human race? I don’t mean it to be a rhetorical question, but it is.

Radical believers think that killing solves the problem. Rational believers know that it does not.

We all know there is only one God and there are many prophets whose interpretative dogma of the one God becomes sacred to those who choose to follow that discipline.

Zealotry in any configuration is the sin against the sacredness of life and a denial of the God that is part of each of us. 

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