Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Beyond Thought

My thought wanderings this morning are motivated by the current climate of fear that seems to permeate the economic realms of our magnificent world.

I have come to realize that fear and trust are inimical to each other. They cannot co-exist. You cannot tie one to the other for trust is real and fear is an illusion. No matter how we let fear manifest it is still a fiction, a false emotion precipitated by the ego and a need to justify and sustain itself. Trust, however, is a freeing gift from the Benevolent and Infinite Source that allows us to accept that things are as we create them on our path to attainment.

Throughout history humankind has been using fear as the great motivator, the great blindness so as not to see the serendipitous joy in living. Individuals, groups, societies and countries have used fear as the reason to react to any condition. I have come to believe that once we acknowledge the genesis of fear, and trace it honestly and lovingly to its source, the ego, it can no longer motivate or be the instigating catalyst for negative action.

When fear does not exist, sacred and unconditional trust emerges.

In my decades of shared emotions and blended tears in just the living of life, I have come to realize the importance of the truth of living in the moment, the “Now.” I have always felt its efficacy, but its slamming reality is always brought home through crisis, through experience, through meditation and through prayer and especially through joy. I believe we are eternal and each life is not only a physical concept, but a spiritual reality as we merge to the mystical Oneness of the inner universe.

As my Dad use to say: "put that in your pipe and smoke it." My translation of my Dad's admonition would be, have a great Tuesday just living in the now of life.

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