Thursday, March 30, 2017

Just Maybe!

As each new day dawns, I wonder where do we go from here? What happens next?

Even though we are in the second decade of a new century, we are still searching for a global sanity. There are still numerous regional wars infecting the planet as we struggle with the belief that security is having more and that collective fear requires violence.

There is always the hope we can overcome the litany of Pandora troubles that are part of our daily struggles, but let us not forget that hope without action is arrogance. We each have to work at finding the hidden harmony in overt chaos.

It's there; we can feel it when we give from empathy and not reward. We feel it when we resolve not to be discouraged, not to speak in anger, not to blame, and not to judge without the truth of looking within first.

Maybe this day, maybe tomorrow or the next day or the next unconditional love and appreciation will guide the hearts and wills of humankind.


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