Friday, October 10, 2014

The Nuclear Optiion

I have a thought that bothers me.

We, the United States of Ameica have the most powerful military in the world. We also have, like dozens of other countries the nuclear capability of what is called a limited nuclear war.

If push comes to shove would we use a limited, meaning a low yield nuclear device, in the war against ISIS or whatever else they like to call themselves in order to win the declared objective of degrade and destroy?

We've got the President who insists we will not put boots of the ground, yet, in many ways, we already have. The numbers have not been enough for anyone, congress or citizen, to be concerned. I'll bet if you asked the families of those now deployed in Iraq or at the various borders as advisors and instructors, you would get a different definition of "boots on the ground."

If ISIS becomes all pervasive and other countries like Turkey do not participate in the containment of Islamic State violence, rape, pillaging, and religious cruelty in the name of Islam, then boots may be the only option to take, unless the nuclear option is on the global table.

God I hope not!

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