Thursday, August 16, 2012

Why's Again

This is another one of my “why?” blogs.

Why is the Romney/Ryan campaign restricting reporters from some fundraisers? Are they hiding what they promise to the big money donors?

Don’t you wonder why Mr. Romney won’t release his tax returns? Don’t we who vote have a right to know whether he hides his money from the government he hopes to run and what tax he pays and what percentage of tax compared to the rest of us?

It seems to me all candidates should be required to answer all questions. Why isn’t the President of the United States answering press questions on a regular basis?

I am bothered by the secrecy of super-pac committees. The voter has the right to know who is giving what to whom and what they expect in return. Congress should outlaw super-pacs.

Why are not Americans outraged that Congress has an all-time low approval rating? 10% according to a Gallup poll. They answer to us and not to their party. Tell them to work for the good of all of us!

And always on my list of “why’s. Why are members of Congress not subjected to the same rules and requirements as we are? Why aren’t they on Social Security? Why do they have their own health care system that’s better that what we can either afford or get?


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