Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Murdoch's Folly

Here is a clip from the Los Angeles Times business section about what’s happening to the Rupert Murdoch News Empire.

“With the phone-hacking scandal that took down News Corp.’s News of the World tabloid showing no signs of slowing down, media watchdogs and industry observers are starting to wonder whether the flames engulfing media mogul Rupert Murdoch’s ambitions in Britain could eventually spread to here and threaten his U.S. operations.”

 I hope so. I have never been a fan of Murdoch’s enterprises, any of them. His corporate news ethic is suspect at best and his corporate news gathering morality leaves much to be desired.

The mighty will always be brought to low when truth is not the rebar of foundation. Profit has never fortified the wet cement of information. Journalistic ethics are unenforceable when ratings are the only criteria.

Murdoch’s enterprises report only what is acceptable to his conservative criteria. We get to decide only from the information he deems presentable. That is not how it works, or should work in American journalism.

I trust that American journalism is stronger than that of some of our British counterparts and that News Corp’s. Holdings in America will be held to a higher standard.  I hope so.

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