Thursday, October 17, 2013

Congress of Shame

I am ashamed of the United States Congress.

These alleged learned men and woman have put us through enough pinpricks of life and pain as they worry only about their own livelihood and reelection. Speaker Boehner should have said, "We've fought the destructive fight, hurt a lot of innocent people, harmed America's reputation, proved I'm not a good leader, but we lost."

The rest of us cannot have fair representation unless all members of congress are subject to the same rules, regulations and the social system as we are.

We need to abolish congress’ special privileges including their pension and health care system and put them on our social security system and health plan choices, after all they created them for everybody, but themselves.

There should be no such thing as a career politician. Term limits must come.

It is time to change the rules in congress so that the minority cannot hold the entire country hostage to the extremes of the few on both sides. It is time for new representatives to govern for the good of the whole and seek compromise instead of contention.

It is time to put this governmental shutdown into your indelible memory and work to force the change needed to get us back to being The United States of America, not the contentious states of America.

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