Wednesday, September 18, 2013

You Never Know

You never know.

Twelve people went to work Monday morning probably thinking about the usual things: their work projects, their kids, their spouses, or maybe an upcoming birthday or anniversary.

And in an instant they’re dead or dying.

An angry and crazed gunman randomly shot and killed the innocent at the Washington Navy Yard.

The gunman probably figured he would also be killed. Death by cop they call it; but he didn’t care. His anger or his hatred blinded reason so he could not see the sacredness of life beyond a desire to end it with violence.

Each day when we leave our homes for work we never know if we will return. It’s rarely something we think about. That kind of thinking goes against reasonable expectations. We expect to live and return home to the things and people we love.

I would not advocate thinking about it either, but I would propose that each day we all gives thanks to The All That Is for the gift of life for you never know.

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