Friday, February 15, 2013

The Priest Class in History

In ancient times priests ruled, and priest-class executed the opposition or sacrificed victims in order to exert and maintain control. Modern societies, however, cannot be ruled by a theocracy for very long.

History shows that it just doesn’t work. Absolute power is no longer a long-term control of the despot, of the tyrant, of clergy or even of the mystic and the traditional.

One man or woman cannot administer to millions of the alleged faithful. There is too much to fathom, to decide, to dictate and to delegate. Perhaps what is most important is that the awareness level of the believers is rising to new heights of understanding.

The Ayatollahs and Imams, Shamans and the cult leaders of the world should take note. People will choose to be led for just so long under the egis of dogmatic belief and fear and then there will be a paradigm shift in awareness. Schisms start it and revolt ends it.

Within the subconscious of each human being there is a spiritual knowing that each of us are an equal emanation of the creator. No dogma can prove otherwise.

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