Tragedy happens so often in our world that there must be some lesson in what appears to be the senseless and the sadness.
Maybe one of our missions, while we are so briefly here, is to learn how to look at what happens to us and to others, not as a random ration of pain, or as bad karma, but as a non-understandable experience to learn compassion, love and empathy and as a result to have the opportunity to make different choices in our own lives.
How do we begin to understand the deep desperation of protesters in Iran who endure pain and dying for principle or the ruling clerics and their sycophants who care for nothing but the sustainment of power and control?
How do we even try to understand the consuming hatred of terrorists who view life with such little value and with so much darkness, that they can not see a future beyond the deaths of innocents? What lesson do they hope to teach? It certainly isn’t one of Islam. Islam is a religious practice acknowledging God through the name of Allah. Islam does not preach terrorism in any form.
I wonder if, in that other place, the place where some believe we go after our life ends here, there is an awareness of what goes on in this earthly density. I wonder if those who die are angry at the ending of their lives.
Is there rage there or is that kind of emotion left behind? Is justice important or is it a different justice seen in a divine context?
I don’t know if there will ever be temporal answers to these questions, but there is another question that’s equally important. If we were somehow given the answers through intuitive meditation could we hear the truths of spirit through our anger or pain?