Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Maybe real and fictional comments about the Iranian nuclear talks.

United States:  I’m negotiating, but I don’t trust you to do what you say. You cheated in the past.

Iran: I’m negotiating too, but I don’t trust you either. You spied, you hacked, and you cheated in the past.

Great Britain: This is a sticky wicket. Can anyone séance Maggie?

France: un aller-retour pour Paris, s’il vous plait.

China: This agreement must have one from column two and two from column one.

Russia: Dah, Nyet, Tseluyu!

Israel: (Not at the Negotiations)  Oy!

God: Are you watching this? Who made these people?”

American MOS: Iran? You did? What was your time?

Germany: Dummkoph!

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