Monday, November 3, 2014

The Robot-Call

I suppose this could be a rant, but I hope I can make it an observation.  Maybe not!  We’ll see!
Election day is tomorrow. My household has been getting call after call from both parties asking for our vote.

It was not a personal call from the candidate. It was a robot-call, where a computer dials sequential numbers and a recording comes on form the candidate in a specific race and annoys your peace and quiet with an impersonal request for your vote.

I just got one from my US Senator asked for my vote for his friend so and so. His friend is not even in my district so I can’t vote for him. What the heck is going on with these stupid calls?

My rule is that if I don’t get a personal call and it’s a robot-call, I cross that candidate off my voting list.

Now I have a problem. I’ve crossed all the running candidates in  my election district off my list and now I have no one for whom to vote.

Now what do I do?

Computer calls are not personal. Computer calls are impersonal and to me offensive. If you want my vote then talk to me about what you stand for and then stand for it, don’t say one thing and do another as seems to be the daily practice in politics these days.

Anyway, do vote; it is not only your right, but also your responsibility.

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