Monday, June 9, 2014

Catholic Taliban

First of all, full disclosure. I was raised Catholic, but I no longer participate in this dogma for many reasons. Now I have a litany of new reasons.

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati has arbitrarily revised its parochial teachers contract for all their teachers whether they are Catholic or not. As CNN stated it:

“Now they have a morality clause which basically forbids teachers from -- among other things -- living together or having sex outside of marriage, using in-vitro fertilization, a gay "lifestyle," or publicly supporting any of those things.

The system's 2,200 current teachers must sign the agreement to stay on the job.”

What ultra religious fundamentalists dictated this clause to force their archaic beliefs on others? They must have reincarnated from the Inquisition time. I doubt that even Pope Francis would sign the contract.

The Catholic Church has been losing parisheners for a number of years. Vocations to the priesthood are at an all time low. Seminaries are closing. Parochial schools are closing, and so are many small town churches. Priests are being imported from other nations to serve the Catholic communities of rural America.

The issue of married priests needs to be resolved. The issue of celibacy needs to be addressed. The prohibition of women priests needs to change and the list goes on and on.

The Cincinnati Catholic Taliban is alive and well.

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