Thursday, August 8, 2013

Summit Stuff

I understand the nuances of international politics. Somebody does something you don’t like so you do something they don’t like.

It’s a lot like children's sandbox retaliation. Mess up my sand pail sculpture and I’ll mess up yours.

Most time it doesn’t make any sense, but we’re dealing with human nature and human failings here.

President Obama has cancelled his summit meeting with Russian Premier Putin because Mr. Obama and his administration are angry that Russia granted a temporary asylum to secrets leaker Edward Snowden.

To solve a relationship problem you meet and argue and talk and talk and talk and maybe a beneficial consensus can be found. If you refuse to have a dialogue then nothing can be solved. The only thing it creates is an international bravado that in the long run serves no one and nothing.

In a nutshell, Snowden didn’t help the American diplomatic cause. It showed us with our hands in the proverbial spying cookie jar. Putin’s asylum for Snowden didn’t help Russian and American relations.

But wait! To get asylum in the United States there are basic requirements. A fear of persecution. Proof of persecution because of race, religion, nationality, political opinion and social group.

America has a long history of granting asylum to personas non grata from other nations. Since 1980 more than two million asylum seekers have been granted refugee status in America.

The question is: Is Russia doing anything different with Snowden?

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