Friday, August 16, 2013


The United States gives one point five Billion taxpayer dollars in cash and aid to Egypt every year.

In just the last few days over 525 people have been killed in clashes between the military and supporters of the deposed president, Mohamed Morsi; 3-thousand 700 more have been injured.

Egypt does not have a representative government. Egypt has an undeniable violent military dictatorship that is willing to slaughter its citizens who believe in a different way of life and living.

Where is America’s response? Whether you agree with Morsi’s Islamic conservatism or not, where is righteous indignation?

Finally yesterday President Obama condemned the violence and armed force against protesting civilians. The President cancelled next month’s planned military exercise with Egypt, but made no mention of the $1.5 billion in aid.

All aid to Egypt should stop immediately otherwise we, by our silence, participate in the slaughter of innocents.

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