Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Needs and Notions

It was kind of an easy day yesterday. New Year's Day is always a slow one. When you are younger it's a day of recuperation after a New Year's Eve of celebration. As time goes by wisdom prevails and the day is slow because seasoned comforts dominates and the joy of a lazy fire, a planned dinner, and channel switching for the bowl games becomes the only strenuous activity.

I have made my personal resolutions for the New Year and expect to keep them, but, if not, that's OK too.

I have been following the news out of our do-nothing Congress and I continue my disappointment in the partisanship, the contention, and the inability of arrogant Senators and Representatives who put the narrowness of their constituency before the good of the whole. The personal perpetuations of their jobs are more important to them than solving the pressing issues confronting our republic. This Congress has given politics a very bad name.

There is only one way to solve the dilemma. Term limits. If each Congressman knew they could not run for reelection, I imagine the legislation in Congress would look a whole lot different.

If each Congressman had to embrace and adhere to the same regulations as their constituents, i.e. social security, Medicare and more, then the legislation in Congress would change.

We need a third party representation in Congress.

We need a return to civility, courtesy and statesmanship, not only in Congress, but also in our daily lives and relationships.

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