Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Some thoughts on giving.

The phenomenal soul of the giver is omnipresent despite the predominance of stories about the sordid and banal characteristics of life. We see that collective soul every time there is a clarion call for help and it echoes through the hearts of all.

I saw it yesterday while taping a few programs for CMMB. The Catholic Medical Mission Board. I learned about their programs and their trusted partners laboring in the common arena of need around the world.

It doesn't matter what kind of tragedy inflicts our global communities, by the thousands people come in need and others come in service to fill the need. When tragedy occurs through earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, hurricanes, when nature destroys, miles of material shows up, piles of goods are delivered, and so too are smiles with every donation of money and time. This is the spirit of American businesses in action manifesting into a harmony of help and confirming the axiom that I am my brother's keeper.

Individuals, corporations, and organizations overwhelmingly unselfishly volunteer and respond to the global ache of humankind where ever it's needed. Volunteers always validate that there is a friendship of strangers.

No one knows all the names of those in need in any situation. It doesn't matter, names are not important when you know someone is hurting. The human face is one in time of need. The community of American businesses and their products or in-kind donations along with individual money gifts allow an organization like CMMB to look upon the face of loss with abundance and compassion.

In the future I will have other posts about the legacy and largess of CMMB.

It was Thoreau who said, "What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us. And when we bring what is within out into the world, miracles happen."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we are all enabled when we can hear, listen to, and then respond to those silent voices who cannot speak of their need...

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