Friday, November 13, 2009


Today is Friday the 13th.

Some thoughts on Tristadecaphobia.

The fear of the number thirteen.

The superstitution is ancient, it may have been enhanced during the time of Christ.  There were 13 people at  the last supper before Christ was betrayed.  Also, it is believed the crucifixion took place on a Friday, so the combination of the number and the day became a bad omen.

In American history, however, the number thirteen is esoterically prominent.

Take out a dollar bill.  Look at the back side.  In the two circles you will find both the front and reverse sides of the great seal of the United States.

Look at the eagle. In the left tallon he holds 13 arrows.  In the right tallon, an olive branch.  On it, 13 leaves and 13 berries.  The ribbon in the eagles beak contains the latin phrase " E Pluribus Enum".  Count the letters.  Thirteen.

The other side of the seal shows an unfinished pyramid.  Count the steps.  Thirteen.  The inscription "Annuit Coeptis" also contains thirteen letters.

Perhaps thirteen is not unlucky by it's nature.  Perhaps it responds to the energy we give it.  Like so many things, our response to something or someone, is directly related to the quality of our input.

Being positive or negative is a choice.

1 comment:

Topher08 said...

Thought provoking lesson here, thank you for sharing it. Have a great weekend.

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