Monday, November 9, 2009

Fort Hood

How do we begin to understand the deep desperation, the consuming hatred of Dr. Hasan who viewed life with such little value and with so much darkness, that he could not see a future beyond the deaths and injury of his fellow soldiers.

What lesson did he hope to teach? It certainly is not one from the Koran. The true Islamic faith does not teach or preach terrorism or murder. Extremists do teach terrorism and murder. Extremists in all venues encourage and practice violence and indiscriminate terror.

         There are no clean or clear answers to the question "why". There is only speculation with charges and accusations. Discernment is always difficult when tragedy is the precursor to reason. We must not forget that judgments grow from many seeds and if we plant the wrong seed, vengeance usurps justice and drags us to the level of the killer or the fanatic.

         Some will find comfort in God. Some will look elsewhere. Some will need to forgive, some will need to blame and some will need to hate. All need to heal and to rebuild from the empty holes in our hearts and at Fort Hood. And we still ask why and expect no answer we can understand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

shooting by soldiers has occured in bases in Iraq and Afghanistan....and now in the U.S. The frequent redeployments are taking their toll on soldiers mental health. This particular base has the highest suicide rate of soldiers. And this guy was the one who had to listen to these soldiers traumatic stories of war. To any Doctor, who is supposed to help---to know of soldiers taking their own lives must have been disturbing.......

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