Friday, April 12, 2013


Priorities are the wonderful choices in life. They offer us opportunities for growth and experience.

If I parse that statement: growth is the prime enjoyment of the soul for it realizes that growth glorifies the Source. Spirit is fully aware that that is the only reason it is here in this earth environment.

The Source experiences itself as us, all of us and graces our existence with the individuation of the indivisible. It is a phenomenal gift of unconditional love.

Individual Experience is what growth brings to the whole. Not just to the whole universe of the individual soul or spirit, but to the whole, the ONE of All That Is.

I saw that yesterday, I felt that yesterday as I was sitting in the cancer waiting room of a cancer treatment center in New York City. I have been there before and I have written about the experience in previous blog posts.

I was there as a caregiver so I think I understand the facial expressions. I am happy to report that my wife received another good report.

Each individual that I observed had worry as a facial expression. Properly so. The person being treated for cancer has the obvious worry of what will happen to them. The caregiver with the person being treated shares the worry, but in a different way.

Each of us is there out of love. Love of self for those seeking wholeness in health and love of another from the caregiver.

Each of those choices involves priorities. And that brings me back to the fact that priorities are wonderful choices in life for spiritual growth is always the result.

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