Friday, November 30, 2012

When kids head home

Did you have your family with kids gather at your home for the Thanksgiving holidays?

It can get noisy can't it?

It's wonderful to have family around and it great to wave goodbye.

My poetic thoughts about it.

Visits - A Sonnet

© 2012 Rolland G. Smith

What is this? This nothing, I hear and feel.
It was not here just a moment ago.
Just then it seemed that only noise was real
With chattered talk and din - a loud tableau.
There was the clink on glass and plates to clean
And conversation’s noise around the room.
All families come with sound when they convene
To tell of life and laughter they exhume.
We oft forget to hold the silent space
That disappears within the clattered noise.
When gone, it leaves no sign, no note, no trace,
But reappears when sound has lost its poise.
With children present silence leaves to roam
But then returns when grandkids head on home.

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