Thursday, November 15, 2012


So some in Texas and in other states want to secede from the Union of the United States. They don't like the fact that President Obama was reelected.

Over a hundred thousand of Texas malcontents have signed a petition to secede. Do they have any ideal of what that means and the subsequent consequences?

I doubt it.

Didn't we go through this back in the mid 1800's with disastrous results for the country?

For starters all thirty-two Texas representatives and two Senators would no longer exert influence in congress. Some Democrats might be happy about that.

American Airlines would probably leave Dallas-Fort Worth as a hub and take hundreds of jobs with them since they are federally regulated, as would any number of other companies and organizations.

All Texans on Medicare and Medicaid would be left with nothing.

Citizen travel would be restricted since other countries would have to approve a new country or resurgent republic passport providing it would ever get that status.  The arrogance of these Texas petition signers to think that their state could survive on its own is absurd.

Most insurance claims would be null and void so would many other covenants. All federal funding would cease. Interstate road funding, water agreements from neighboring states would end and air rights suspended. I guess theyd sell their cattle to Mexico.

An elected GOP leader publically called all those who voted for President Obama, "maggots." What does that tell you?

Come on Texans, reign in your wild mavericks and get on with living the reality of the 21st century.

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