Saturday, November 8, 2008

Check Your DNA

Check this out!

I don't know if you've seen it, but there is a kit available to test your own DNA.

It's new. It's innovative and it's possible it is the greatest consumer breakthrough since the year two thousand when scientists found a way to decode the 3.1 billion subunits of DNA.

The picture at the left of this post is that of the kit. It is available online.

The subunits are called base pairs and they make up the double helix of the deooxyribonucleic acid or DNA. The genetic instruction of what makes us unique. What makes me me and you you and us us.

One section of the original announcement reminded me of the fallibility of human kind.

It said, "most of the base pairs of DNA between genes have no known function and scientists commonly refer to these pairs as Junk DNA."

No known function! So we label them junk! With all due respect to the scientists who worked so hard on this decoding, calling them junk, just because we don't know what they do, smacks once again of human intellectual arrogance.

To me it goes in the category of the flat earth proponents and the early scientists who thought the sun revolved around the earth.

Wouldn't it be nice if someday they discovered the junk pairs were really the stem instructions for the human attributes of grace, elegance, courtesy, kindness and compassion?

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