Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Change and Choice

Some thoughts on Change. It seems to be a constant in our lives. Mostly it is so subtle it passes nearly unnoticed.

Sometimes, however, it's monumental and notable.

The political structure of America following the election last week changed. So did the expected political fortunes of Senator McCain and Governor Palin. That is event change. Big change, easily perceived. You hear about it, you read about it and you participate in it.

There is another side of change. The personal side. The daily side. The process side of consistent change. An elevator breaks down and you have to walk up. You lose your job. Someone dies, babies are born. You move house and home. These are process changes and they happen every day and its effect is mostly personal.

In both kinds of change, however, there is a similar component.


In the context that change is inevitable and continuous, and our experience shows us that it is, we can only choose how we react to it. We can be victims of change or participants in it, but it’s always there.

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