Some thoughts on the terrorists action in India.
Again weapons and terror have led to death and destruction. Again through the power of vengeful choice terrorists have attacked the innocent and have chosen violence to aggrandize their fears and feed their hatreds.
India accuses Pakistan as an aiding participant. Old wounds and sealed hates are opened. Nuclear fears worry global leaders. Each side asks their supporters around the globe to share in the accusatory finger pointing.
Again there are more dead; the count continues. Indian nationals, Americans, British, Israelis, children, fathers and mothers, all victims of hate and sometimes participants in it. How many truly believe that if we could ask the dead, was the hatred or conflict worth it, we would hear a positive affirmation.
The instigators, wherever and whoever they may be, wish to drag all who will listen into their cocoon of fear, into their illusion of righteousness and all too often into the grave.
Where are the shouters of "enough?" Where are the sensible? Where are they on both sides?