Monday, March 26, 2018

Saturday's Marches

Never, have I ever been more enthralled watching the Saturday marches in support of gun limitations from the small and large cities of America. The poignant and profound words, the poised presentations, and the collective energy of the young were infectious in the call for change.

The old energy, however, sees it as youthful naïveté. A political pundit on a particular alleged news channel with three letters in its name down-played the massive demonstration as youthful enthusiasm that won’t last. Shame on Rick Santorum and the Trump News Channel. They are blind to the power, the force, the energy of this youthful movement.

I hope you listened to the internal truths of each youthful speech from the mall in Washington. There was elegance. There was profundity.  There was emotional and convincing oratory that I haven’t heard since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke from the Lincoln Memorial so many decades ago for another cause.

Those of you are are reading Facebook chastisements of the kids, their parents and their cause, beware of external influences, AKA, those who would divide our democracy. Be cognizant too of those who love our country, but cannot see its future beyond the ownership of an assault weapon. Compassion, not conflict is appropriate.


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