Thursday, March 29, 2018

Corporate Executive 101

Corporate Executive 101 If any large corporation, a multi-trillion dollar organization, an employer of millions, with historical bylaws and traditions had a CEO, who fired most of those he hired within the first year or so of when he got the job, would there not be outrage from the board of directors to oust an incompetent executive? If we, the citizens, 324 million of us, are the stockholders in the big business of America and 530 members of Congress are the board of directors, and nothing is done isn't the value of our stock threatened? Granted some hires need to be let go, but so many? Do they have to be publicly humiliated first? If so many accusers say the same thing are they all liars? Are Campaign promises sacred? Is our loyalty to a man or our constitution? So many little action. Remember Lord Acton? I think he was right. "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just a reminder - Despot Don is with us ONLY because of the archaic Electoral College. We remain the only Democracy in the world where the winner of the majority Presidential vote may NOT necessarily become President.

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