Tuesday, August 23, 2016


Families and friends are being split today into a political environment that mimics the contention before the US civil war and the beliefs between the North and the South.

Then, 155-years ago, brother opposed brother and state opposed state in the volatile consideration for the right of slavery.

Today it is not the moral or economic issue of slavery. It is a political issue of concretized belief. 

Fortunately, it will not develop into a bellicose contention, but it is harmful nonetheless. On one side is liberal thought; on the other conservative thinking, each side believes their way is the way to and for a sustainable future.

I have friends on both sides of the issue. There are robust and valid reasons on both sides, but our problem today seems to be that we have no common ground, no attack free zone in which to meet and compromise for the greater good. Rhetoric fogs the field of compromise and negotiation.

Contention builds when political and verbal salvos are lobbed into the other side’s comfortable camp and dander rises as rebuttals are necessary.

I am very tired of political rhetoric. I am very tired of Republicans. I am very tired of Democrats. Both of their political diatribes invalidate the democratic principles of our founding fathers. They pledged their lives and their fortunes for the hope of liberty and freedom and equal opportunity. I don’t see lives and fortunes pledged anywhere, by anyone today. All I see is a manipulation of the truth for the aggrandizement of power and wealth.

This is what needs to be changed in America today.

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