Friday, January 3, 2014

50th Anniversary

Tomorrow is one of those momentous days in one’s life. Fifty years ago, day and date, I said, “I do” to the lovely Ann Gormley who became my wife, my confidant, my counsel and my lasting friend.

Even though I think I’m the easiest guy in the world to live with, I do know that’s not the case, but don’t tell anyone.

When a loving relationship begins fifty years forward seems like a long time. But looking back at all those years it seems so short. It passes quickly in my memory and it truly feels like yesterday.

There were many reasons why I fell in love with Ann back then and all of them are still vibrant today.

I loved and love the way she sings in perfect pitch and harmony.

I loved and love the way her common sense prevails over ego and disappointments.

I loved and love her compassion for others. She always finds a positive way to look at issues and problems and people.

I loved and love the way she loves our children. They came along rapidly until I found out what caused them; three babies in four years and never a complaint from Ann, always giving, always loving and always finding humor in the serious. I loved the stories she would make up and tell little children, ours and others.

I still love her tolerance of my failings and her unalterable support through the years of my questionable life and career decisions:

 Getting fired from a job and she cheerily said, “that’s OK, where would you like to go from here?”
Running off to the Vietnam War as a journalist with two babies at home and one due within weeks.
Jumping out of airplane for a story when we couldn’t afford significant life insurance.

Saying no to a very lucrative contract because I didn’t like the guy who was then the boss.

Ann, my love, it’s been a marvelous journey and a privilege to share your life, your love, and your grace. Happy Anniversary. I love you.

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