Monday, May 13, 2013


I started looking at stuff, my stuff, my accumulated stuff that inhabits, decorates and lays in drawers, closets and storage boxes in the nooks and crannies of my home.

We come into this world without any stuff and we seemingly spend a lifetime collecting and gathering stuff that validates our success.

What if we are accumulating the wrong stuff or too much of the wrong stuff? What if the stuff of the world is not a measure of a successful and meaningful life, but is the measure of our distance from the spiritual values we claim to hold dear?

It is interesting that we can’t take any stuff with us when we’ve finished our time in this existence. 

What we take with us are our thoughts, both loving and non-loving. We also take our prejudices and our acts of kindness to others.

The opposite of material stuff are the nice things people do for people. Little things like small courtesies, a smile, a wave or even holding a door are of great value. So too are the big things that we do for others.

Thinking about stuff can be bothersome, but I think I need to do it more often.

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