Monday, March 22, 2010

Watermelon seeds!

I had a conversation recently about reincarnation. Someone asked what happens to the personality from one life when you come into another?

I’m sure the religions that embrace the reincarnation concept could and would explain it differently based upon their dogma, but unless you were brought up in those cultures it is a difficult discernment.

In trying to understand the concept of multiple lifetimes and how one retains the divine essence of their spiritual being while embedded with personality after personality of multiple lifetimes, I use a metaphor.

Let’s say that the spirit is a watermelon seed. The totality of one’s eternal being is contained within the seed as it exists in the realm of omniscience and unconditional love.

The seed spirit seeks expression in the denser world of form in order to experience life and love and growth in an environment of choice and consequence.

So the seed spirit transitions once again from life there to life here and it begins to grow until the fruit of its maturity is a beautiful life as an oval green watermelon.

The spirit, which has experienced multiple personalities as other forms, inhabits and energizes life as a new watermelon. Inside that life-spirit are hundreds of seeds each a personality remnant from previous incarnations. The personality didn’t go away. It is contained with the spirit whole.

We each are a collective of all our lifetimes.

Spirit Diver © 1995
I saw my soul, before its birth,
upon an image deep in space
and dove, from high, down to the earth
to breathe again the breath of race.
Through a tunnel I did steal
into a womb of warmth and love.
A strange forgetting I did feel
while on the passage from above.
My leap was silent till my cry —
awakening in birthing strife.
That must be when I said good-bye
and died into the new of life.
When I awoke with earthly breath
and density to comprehend,
I knew that birth is like a death,
each is the same, there is no end.

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