Thursday, January 11, 2018

America - Wake Up!

Never before have we had a President lie, obfuscate, delude and misinform as we have now.
Never before have we had a President create such confusion and consternation as we have now.
Never before have we had a President so not respected in the litany of world leaders.
Never before have we had a President create chaos in the daily White House as we have now.
Never before have we had a President say he will, and then he won't or say he won't then he will on numerous issues.
Never before have we had a President who refuses to reveal his personal and business finances.
Never before have we had a President who calls those with whom he disagrees derogatory names. Never before have we had a man in our top leadership position who promised to drain the political swamp, but instead fills it with muck and mire.

I know some of my friends supported this man in his quest to become president. I understood then their desire to see change, their hope for a better political world; I do not understand now how after a one year in office anyone can continue to support a man who is so devious, so ego-centric, and so anti-ethical American.

I want change too, but not at the expense of democracy, decency, and the deportation of innocents.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Again I say: We have a president that brings shame to 2/3 of us due to the archaic Electoral College.

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