Friday, March 21, 2008

Molly The Cat

Some thoughts on Molly the cat.

It was quite a story a couple of years ago; the rescue of Molly the cat trapped behind a deli basement wall in New York City.

There was some criticism of the media for spending too much time on the rescue of a cat and not on other stories. The story, however, was important because it symbolized and validated the sanctity of life, any life. Why else would so many people, spent so much time, energy and effort to save stranded cat. It took two weeks to finally rescue Molly stuck behind a concrete wall.

It reminded me of a story in 1989 when two baby gray whales were trapped in the ice in Alaska. To rescue them, contentious governments ( then the US and USSR ) put aside mistrust, environmentalists and oil workers suspended argument to labor together for a common good and Eskimos did everything they could do to save what they normally hunt.
Both stories, two little gray whales or one little cat named Molly remind us that the essence of life is cooperation, not competition and compassion not conflict.

1 comment:

Pep said...

Nice to see you here!Looking forward to reading along. Pep

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