Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Beets and Congress

I have some beets in my refrigerator. I just looked at them and marveled at how much they reminded me of Congress.

Even though we have a new Congress coming in January and We The People have to deal with a lame duck legislature that will go crazy passing junk to chisel a legacy in the Congressional Record. I think the current Congress is a lot like beets.

Some people like beets and some people hate them. For me, beets are slightly sweet and they stain if you let them spill their juice on the proverbial plate. The other foods of nourishment get colored with the staining juice of beets.

Politicians are a lot like beets. If you let them they too will contaminate what’s right for the greater good on the electorate plate of progress.

My Mother made me eat beets long before I knew anything about politics. Now I eat them selectively and carefully.

I’m going to go look at the Broccoli and see if that reminds me of anything. Maybe the squash too.

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