Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Assisted Suicide

A young lady has taken her life in Oregon. Assisted suicide is allowed there. I'd venture a guess that most everyone has read about it or heard about her choice to end her life because of an aggressive  brain tumor that will, according to medical doctors, limit and debilitate her life into pain and suffering until she dies.

Do you support her choice or do you think it was a wrong one?

So far I haven't found anyone ambivalent to her suicide. In my conversations, people are either OK with her action or think it was wrong and against their religious principles.

This is not a discussion where continued conversation is going to level into any kind of agreement.

I'm not sure what I would do in her circumstances. I had a son who died of a similar brain tumor and if assisted suicide were to have been available in the state where he lived and if he were to have been aware and of a fully conscious mind...would I, could I support his decision if he chose suicide?  I hope I would have had the guts to honor his choices and bless his journey to the other place.

I don't agree with those who say that suffering is good for you or that it purifies the soul. I'm also not fully comfortable with taking one's life.  It's one of those life dilemmas that takes more thought than emotion.

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