Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Global Forum - Oxford, UK 1988

Memories of an April event in 1988. I was a journalist participant at the conference.

It was a unique event in human history. 165 religious and temporal leaders and a handful for media participants came together in one place to begin a process of dialogue and action. The challenge was to question established ideas and actions and come up with radically revised solutions to critical global problems.  It was called the Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders on Human Survival.

            Amegan Aveglu was there.  He wore no shoes.  A deep blue robe draped his ebony frame. He walked barefoot everywhere, as if feeling, almost coaxing the root aura of his distant outdoor parish to touch him through the concrete and granite. None would have expected it to be different for he is the High Priest of Togo's sacred forest. 

            The other participants and organizers as well, were also feeling, searching, grasping for gossamer goodwill, the tingling energy, that became known as the spirit of Oxford.  Vladimir Andreyev, Deputy Chief of International Departments of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet was one of three USSR participants.  Congressman James Scheuer and Charles Rose attended, as did members of governments from five continents.  On the spiritual side there were Rabbi's, Priests, Nuns, Imam's, Monks, Mufti's, Swami's, Doctors of Divinity and Shamans from all over the world.  No one was looking for a global politic or expecting a unified theology, all were hoping for a process that would begin a universal experience.

            Inaugural presentations and welcoming comments were given by Sir George Sinclair, chairman of the British Advisory Group, a good natured, intelligent aristocrat who encouraged and expected the best in everyone; the co-chairpersons for the conference, The very Reverend James Parks Morton, Dean of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City. He was an inspirational, easy going, brilliant and comfortable pillow of a clergyman and Sat Paul Mittal, a member of India's upper house, the Rajya Sabha. He was more formal in a cautious, but proper way, steady in his words and manner and a resonate partner for his spiritual counterpart.

            The conclave had its celebrities too; Mother Teresa of Calcutta; The XIV Dalai Lama; The Archbishop of Canterbury, Robert Runcie; Franz Cardinal Koenig of Austria; Dr. Inamullah Khan; Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz; and scientists Carl Sagan and James Lovelock, all were participants and some were speakers.

             The manifestation of the Global Forum is a modern proof of the Hermetic maxim - energy follows thought. The conference was first conceived in 1972. It was the idea of Japanese visionary Akio Matsumura.  Through the sheer force of his positive personality and a profound belief in the truth of the idea, Matsumura shepherded the thought into form.  He believes that throughout history wars have been caused by two reasons:  the ambitiousness of spiritual leaders and the ambitiousness of political leaders. He says, "these two groups failed to create peace; worse they create war.  Now they come together to ponder how to succeed".

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