Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Child's Story

© 2007 Rolland G. Smith

Once in a time of great magic on the earth all the animals could talk. There was jabbering here, and jabbering there and each could understand what the other was saying.

The whinny of the horse sounded like, “ let’s go run and play in the meadow.

The Oink of the pig, said, “It’s so much fun to wallow in the mud”.

Every animal could talk back and forth in normal conversation except one. A hippopotamus named Silly. She could talk, but only in rhyme. Sometimes she’d be silent because she didn’t want to be different. When asked, she’d reluctantly say:

“Silly is my Hippo name,
And Potamus is my last
Neither one will bring me fame,
But I am not downcast.

We Hippo’s are a happy lot
Just waddling to and fro.
We Love the water, cold or hot,
But we don’t like the snow”.

Silly had lots of neighbors and friends to help her around her house. Ali, the gator, helped her mow the lawn and do other chores in the vegetable garden.

When they first met, Ali said, “Hi, I’m Ali and we’re neighbors. Let’s be friends too?”

With a big smile, Silly said:

“Call me Silly or call me Sip
If that is what you choose
Try Hippie, Hippo even Hip
And I won’t sing the blues.”

Silly’s and Ali’s friendship grew as they did lots fun things together and helped each other as neighbors do. One day, Ali asked, “Silly how come you talk in a rhyme all the time”?

Silly tried very hard to say the words as plain as she could, but it still came out in rhyme.

“I don’t know why I speak in rhyme
But that’s the way I talk
I know I’m different all the time
Cuz, other’s stare and gawk.”

“I’m big and fat and that is fine
For eating is my fun.
On weeds and seeds I do dine
So I can weigh a ton”.

“And Silly me I like to dance
So Ali holds my hoof.
Despite my weight I like to prance
On floors, but not the roof.

Ali replied, “Silly, we have so much fun together. I know you want to talk straight and I want to help you, so let’s go and ask old man Muskrat, Musky Trusty, the wise one of the water. He knows everything. Maybe he can help you stop rhyming”.

So off they went, down the path, to find Musky Trusty. Silly began to sing.

“We’re friends, we’re friends and as you see
We play and laugh together
We sing a tuneful melody
And be friends forever.

We are, we are, a lot alike
Gators, Hippos, much the same.
We dance, we swim, we hike and bike
And friends we will remain”.

The two danced and sang along the path and waved and smiled at all their creature friends. They had flower friends and tree friends and bug friends.

And as they danced, Ali said, “Silly isn’t it wonderful we live in a place with so many friends, we’re very lucky!”

Silly looked around, grinned in agreement and said,

“Tom Tulip sends me hugs in red,
Pricilla pine in needle green.
The rose sends love in scent widespread
The sky in blues serene.

But most of all I love the light
I get from all our friends.
It helps us all to reunite
As sparkles that are gems”.

Pretty soon, they came upon a small rippling stream and saw the mailbox of Musky Trusty just outside his borrow.

Ali shouted, “Hey, Musky Trusty, are you home? Silly Potomas has a very important question for you”.

Musky Trusty peaked out the window and said, “Hello, Ali and Silly, what’s your important question?”

Silly gulped and said,

Why must I talk in rhyme and fret
When all the others say things straight.
I never learned the alphabet.
Is that why I can’t talk great?

Musky Trusty thought for a moment and then in his wise way he said, “ I don’t think the alphabet is the problem, but I can teach you that very quickly. Would you like to learn it now?”

Ali interrupted and jumped up and down and said to Musky Trusty, “Let me say it, let me say it, please. Silly’s my best friend, let me help.

Musky Trusty said OK go ahead, Ali.

Ali, cleared his throat and recited, A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z.

“Very good”, said Musky Trusty. “Now you try Silly”.

It’s A B C,
And H I J
And next is K.

Then follows L
And M will tell
That N will go
Before the O.

It’s P then Q
Then R will do
With S and T
Before UV,

But W
And X thereto
Precede the Y
For Z’s goodbye.

“Wow”! said Musky Trusty, “Silly that was great. You don’t have a problem, you have a gift”.

“Everyone is born with a gift. It can be as simple as a nice smile or a beautiful voice or as complex as the mind in building computers and rocket ships, but everyone has a special gift that’s theirs to share. Silly yours is the joy of rhyme. It makes all of us happy when we hear you speak”.

Silly thought for a moment and said,

“I never thought of rhyme that way
That it could be a gift.
But now I see it’s all okay
When rhyme, as words, uplift.

Musky Trusty, you are wise
And one who’s very smart
We each have gifts before our eyes
That sits within our heart.

Ali too, my trusted friend
Thank you for all you do
My love for you will never end
And that I know is true.

Silly and Ali said goodbye to Musky Trusty and headed back down the path to their homes. They were silent this time as each thought of the wisdom they just heard.

Each of us has a gift. Some gifts are in plain sight and some are hidden, but if we look in our hearts we’ll find them and when we do all the kingdoms of the world share in our happiness.

Have you thought about your special gift lately?

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