Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Comeuppance, Cost Overruns and Brutality

There are always some things you love to hear.

How about the white supremacist that is trying to set up an Aryan enclave in North Dakota.
He took a DNA test on a television show and discovered he was 14 percent black.

And then there are the things that make you shake your head.

The Navy christened its newest aircraft carrier, the USS Gerald Ford. It’s the most expensive warship ever made. It was supposed to cost eleven billion, but came in two billion dollars over budget.

Two billion over budget! Where is congressional oversight?

And finally there are the things that disgust and make you sick.

Several days ago North Korea executed 80 people, men and woman, for crimes against the state. One crime was watching South Korean soap operas. The accused were tied to posts in public arenas and sprayed with machine gun fire.

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