Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/11 2012

Today is a sad and wrenching anniversary. It is sad because a small group of angry and disolustioned men thought that by destroying a symbol and the people inside they could inflict a massive destruction to a democratic society.

It is wrenching because their action holds us in a place of fear and that is not what we are. We are so used to being an open and embracing society, so much so, that so many in the world have trouble understanding how we do it with acceptance and success.

The massive destruction of our society didn’t happen, but unfortunately the fear lingers as a residue sifted below our hopes and asperiations.

BUT today is a day to acknowledge the heroes of 9/11.

Heroes alive and heroes fallen. There are so many to count, so many noble deeds and selfless actions came from the World Trade Center tragedy. There were men heroes and woman heroes. Plain people and professional people, many who gave their lives that others might live and still so many others who gave their time and sweat, all choosing service over self. Average people doing extraordinary things. These are the actions of greatness.

Over the past many years the stories have come out of those men and women who were willing to give their lives in exchange for the simple, but profound gift of helping another.

Those acts are a choice of the heart and it inextricably binds the human spirit together.

We need heroes. Each generation needs them. Heroes help us tell our children and each other that we are good at heart and it is part of our nature to be Samaritans and to acknowledge we are all part of each other and all a part of All That Is.
Maybe if we tell it often enough, we’ll begin to think it and what people think, they become.

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