Monday, March 15, 2010


I am certain that each of us in our own way constantly searches for ways to express the divine within us. We do so through the gifts and talents we exhibit in life.

If we believe that The All-ness known by many names created us then it follows that the breath of love, the spark of life is inherent within our being and seeks expression.

Some people find divinity in individual appreciation of natural beauty, such as a sunset, a flower, or a pastoral scene. Others find the divine in creating works of art through form and music. People manifest their creativity in sculpture, photography, painting, textile, jewelry, sound and other mixed media and fine craft.

Divinity is expressed in infinite ways through talents that blossom in everyone through their choices. I remember a woman once telling me she had no talent, yet she was a nurturing Mother of five children and kept a peaceful, productive and loving household. That’s talent.

People who conceptualize are using a personal talent, scientists, philosophers, and mathematicians. So do gardeners, pilots, and street sweepers. They are all using talents that were uncovered and honed by their life choices. Each in their own way inspires awe and appreciation when the diligent practice of skill lets others benefit from a discovery, a flower garden, a safe landing or a clean street.

Appreciation of both simple and complex skills should mitigate the illusion of superiority in any individual, race or religion. In the realm of appreciation there is no difference between a great work of art that engenders awe and the healthful and scenic benefit of a clean street.

Isn’t the divine magnificent?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for saying that home makers have talent if it nurtures others well! Pat

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