Monday, December 22, 2014

Call it what it is!

I must acknowledge I am older and like some of the old ways. I must also comment on the television program that carried the lighting of the National Christmas tree.

Some of the celebrated national stars that sang various Christmas songs were to my ear way off key. Not the key of tonality, but the key of tradition.

Nearly every song I heard from the assembled talent was set in a modern arrangement, rather than what I remember to enjoy the traditional tunes of the season.

Exceptions were the Tenors and Rita Wilson.

I don’t think the singing talent of today needs to alter the traditional songs to fit their perceived aberrations of what the public wants or just to be a little bit different.

Bring back the way music was originally written and designed to be sung in the moment of its creation. Keep the minor and augmented discords for other melodies created anew. Do not alter the old songs concretized within America’s, memory. 

It's like saying “Season’s Greetings” for “Merry Christmas.” It’s Christmas, not “Season’s Greetings.” And it’s wonderful that Hanukkah and Kwanzaa coincide as the spirit of all celebrates a festive time of year, but for me it’s still Christmas and not, “Season’s Greetings.” It’s “Happy Hanukkah” not “Season’s Greetings.” It’s “Kwanzaa” not “Season’s Greetings.”

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