Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Newtown Tragedy

Friday morning. Newtown, Connecticut. Another school tragedy. Twenty children Dead. Six adults slaughtered. The gunman dead by suicide. My God! How do we even start to understand such tragedy? It is an unfathomable path to reason.

The Newtown tragedy reminds me of the only thing that’s important. Love!

I am saddened at the loss of the teacher’s lives trying to protect the children. I have tears for the children killed and for those left alive. I know the eternal ache now imbedded in the hearts of the parents who lost a child.

I know there is a place of cuddling comfort and dancing peaceful wonder. There is a place where bumps and bruises cannot hurt and toys and crayons never break. It is a place where pillow fights and giggles last and the frosting is taller than the cake.

It is a place where teddy bears talk in colors and puppies wait to play; where candy is for breakfast and presents fill the room; where no one knows what fear is. It is a place of peace and grace and joy and games.

It is where all the Mothers and Fathers that ever lived hold and comfort children who die young for in that place we are all ONE.

And even though I know this place exists my heart is heavy and I cry.

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