Tuesday, October 24, 2017

A good and not so good weekend

I had a half and half weekend. It’s taken me a day to assuage my disappointment.

First, before the weekend, the Yankees lost to Houston. I was rooting for the Yankees in the playoffs, but after they lost, my adolescent passion for the Dodgers emerged and I can root for them in the series.

I was a faithful Dodger fan until they moved to California.

Saturday was a fine day. My son and his wife visited for the weekend but left early Sunday morning.

Then came the Sunday afternoon football games. I watched the Jets lose and then I watched the Giants lose. Being a fan of two local teams is almost more than anyone can take.

I’ll be better next weekend. The Giants have a by-week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Repeat after me: It's only a game - It's only a game.
PS: For recorded history correctness, please correct typo in P#3: the s/b they

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