Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Nothing into Something

What is it about having nothing to write about specifically that seems to generate an idea or two?

Actually just looking at the news headlines generates laugher, astonishment and disappointment.


A GOP senator suggests hormones could be behind military sexual assaults. Good grief!

The Oklahoma tornado broke a record for width. Another proof that the weather patterns are changing.

France says tests prove Syria used nerve gas against the rebels. Now what?

And then I remembered what was historically important on yesterday’s date. June 4th.

The world of early June 1989 watched the beginning of the tension between Chinese citizens and their oppressive government. It was on television. A single man standing in front of tank stopping its forward movement. Abruptly, the television signal was cut off. Slaughter took place.

To this day the Chinese Government continues to deny that anyone but soldiers died in the massacre. The collective heart of humankind knows the truth and it weeps.

Force will never conquer the desire, or the active quest for freedom in all its forms. History validates that truth over and over again on the crumbled actions of failed oppression.

Truth and tolerance, compassion and education, common courtesy and common sense are the only values that will sustain a government in power and elevate the condition of its people. 

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