Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Morning Wonders

On such a beautiful morning my thoughts lean toward perceptions. Concretised perceptions limit the perceived wonder of life and cloud the light of living in the NOW.

We need to listen to our hearts more often for it is the only organ in the body attuned to the divine. You can never go wrong if you follow your heart, your bliss, as Joseph Campbell would say. Your bliss can never be compromised by the ego which will deceive, delude and demand in order to justify and perpetuate its existence. Each contraction of our hearts bares a powerful message of joy. If we listen.

Listen to your heart. Feel its divine onomatopoeic cadence. Infuse into your heart a verbal rhythm of all is as it should be.  In the truth of these words you have the mantra of miracles and the interconnection of spirits.

If we see others only as a separate physical beings struggling to live then we limit all of us. If we choose to see the divinity within each human being as an expression of the continuing divine unfoldment then we are all limitless.

To me the joy of earthly existence is to see all that is as All That Is and to recreate ourselves in every moment in the grandest vision we can imagine and to learn that different is not lesser and "the other" is not separate from the self.

The miracle of life is not the Oneness. It is the diversity within the Oneness. An ego-focused existence confuses different with diversity. Choosing to see others as different inhibits the ability to express the divine within us for we empower the illusion that believes we are separate. We cannot be separate from what it is we are. We can think we are separate and thereby choose to live in the illusion, but the reality is we are never separate from the divine. We are always only a choice away from the abundance that is our creation gift. The ONE-der of diversity, encourages expression of the divine within us as us.

I started this post because it's a great morning here in the Hudson Valley. I am watching the leaves fall and cover the sacred ground of earth. Isn’t it marvelous how the mind can wander in wonder?

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